Shatter Me Wiki

Supreme Commander is the highest label one can achieve in The Reestablishment. They are the rulers of the continents.


The job of supreme commander involves a tremendous amount of work with far less freedom than one might expect. It’s a position that requires a great deal of people skills. It requires being able to both kill and charm people at a moment’s notice.

Each supreme commander typically has a family, which form the Supreme Family. Their spouses do not hold equal amounts of power as them, but are incredibly influential. The supreme commanders are “homicidal maniacs intent on ruling the world.” The supreme families agreed a long time to give each other the right to come and go as they please. The supreme families are always welcome in each other’s lands at any time, no invitations necessary. While the movement was young, and the children were young, the families held fast to this rule and traveled frequently to each other.

All the children of the supreme commanders were “built to serve The Reestablishment.” They were raised to be lethal. They were all to become case studies. They were engineers to be soldiers. The children of the commanders are essentially super soldiers. They walk tall and proud with perfect posture. Most people think the children of the supreme commanders are “carefree, amoral psychopaths, happy to be the military robots their parents wanted them to be.” Their children were forced to be this way. They have been trained to be mercenaries, whether they liked it or not. They did not get to choose their life. They were taught to torture before they could drive.

North America[]


  • No known family

Paris Anderson[]

Juliette Ferrars / Ella Sommers[]

South America[]

Santiago Castillo †[]


Tatiana Mishkin †[]


Musa Ibrahim[]


Azi Omondi †[]


Evie Sommers[]
